
Sunday, 17 March 2013

Miss Poly had a dolly

 Hello and top O the morning to ya.

 I hope your all well on this  glorious St Patricks day.
                     I've been quite busy this week with one thing and another, lots of hooky work trying to get a birthday doll finished,  but I keep coming up with more ideas for cloths and off I go on another tangent, Oh! this brain of mine so disorganised but its almost there along with 3 others, I've put them aside until the one I'm working on is finished HA, HA, I can hope can't I?
                 Below are some of the cottons I work in as there nice and light.
Even though I have a room all to myself I still find myself spreading out across the house so I've got a butlers tray and stand, this work well as I can put all work onto the tray and carry it to where I fancy working at the time

Here we have a candy stripped pant suit and a little crochet broach I made when I was working out, how to make  Dorset buttons.

"Move over girls I'm next in line."  "It's alright for you, you have eyes."
 "I should be next I need some legs"
"now, now girls you'll all get your turn."

 At the local Oppy, treasure shop (Thrift shop)in the week  I was looking at toys when, what did I spy but this cute 60's Gondola basket, sooo! cute for retro fabrics and display

 Its been added to my collection of other baskets. I've had to have a little change around in my room but that suits me fine as I like change.
 I like baskets there's something so earthy about them, I remember when I was a young girl in the UK, an elderly lady told me how they used basket as ports, suitcases.  Just love the history of items.

 Now this little polly is going to a little girl who loves horses, so her mummy asked if I would make a horse to go with the polly .  As I could only find a donkey pattern I tried to shorten the ears, still looks like a donkey, cute though.

Round and round like a Catherine wheel It's  going to be a cushion cover for an old wooden child's chair. Will show you later.

Below are some of my crochet bangles and necklaces I've made for friends I'm looking at new ideas with crocheting.  Been working on little girls hair bands and ballet brooches

I've tried to be creative with  the  gift boxes,  trying out a variety of styles, this one I like the most.

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